The Top 6 Microblading Practice Essentials
Microblading is trending so hard right now. Body art dates back thousands of years and from what we gather microblading has been around for the last 20 years originating in Asia. When a service like microblading is trending there becomes an influx of beginning artists. It is important to know what the practice essentials are and where to get them!
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Using a silver aluminum microblading pen; this pen can be used for practice, 1 time disposable use or placed in an autoclave for reuse. Twist open the top of the microblading pen, place the 14 slope needle at a 45 degree angle and slip it down into the pen till it hits the side and twist to close. The longest point of the needle should be on the outer part of the pen.
Place the practice pad so the eyebrows are upside down. If you use the stylia blue or gold 9 eyebrow pairs pre drawn brow practice pad you do not need to draw on brows. If you have the 3D practice pad with the eyes imprinted, you will need to use a water proof pencil to draw your practice brows. This is great for mapping practice. You can also use a mannequin head with an eyebrow band to practice microblading on. This is a great way to practice to get a “real” feel for where to place your hands on a client’s face. Eyebrow bands are great to slip on the mannequin head for practice as they have pre drawn eyebrows.
Place a pigment ring on the pointer finger of the opposite hand you microblade with. Use any type of pigment in regards to practicing and place one drop of pigment into a pigment ring. Take your pen and dip the tip of the needle into the pigment.
Begin your front bulb strokes, enter into your transition, continue into the top layer, to the arch, down to the tail. Start again at the bottom tail and microblade to the bottom arch and connect to the bottom bulb. Fill in the brow up to 3 more layers. Remember, do not cross your strokes.
Using a water wipe, wipe away the pigment and check to see the depth of your incision. You can check your incision depth by folding the practice pad and bending your incision open. Your incision (stroke) should not slice through the bottom of the pad. If you slice through the pad, adjust your pressure.
Microblading is an art and also a skill, a skill that requires time and patience. You do not become a master microblader overnight, you don’t make $500.00 on your first client out of training and you have to practice every day to become better.
Investing in quality products, means investing in you and your clients trust.
Flourish, Selena Dailey, LA MicroBrow - Master Microblading Artist
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